Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sapo National Park Cleared of Illegal Activities

According to news report from Liberia via ACF (Africa Conservation Foundation) website, the Superintendent of Sinoe County, J. Milton Teahjay, said that the Sapo National Park is now cleared of “20,000 illegal miners and poachers”. He pointed out that illegal activities in the park are now 100% contained and the park is back on course for its primary purpose of research and eco-tourism.
We at Sapo Heritage are very grateful for such news. We sincerely congratulate the Government of the Republic of Liberia; the authorities of Sinoe, Grand Gedeh, and River Gee Counties; and all other organizations that made the effort a success. This came at the time when international communities set eyes on the forest cover of Liberia to help mitigate the problem of global warming.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Greatest Mom

There is one and only one mom whom all the people in the world know. She is mother Earth, our planet. We depend on her resources for survival and livelihood. As the World Conservation Society puts it, " People around the world fish, farm, hunt,and log for food, shelter, and other necessities". We should be very grateful that we still have her. It must be our responsibility to conserve her and use her resources in a sustainable manner. Else, when we kill her, we bound to perish with her. Happy Mother Day-Mother Earth. Sapo will continue to exhibit your originality.