Saturday, July 31, 2010

Project Hippo

Post-war encroachment has posed a threat to wildlife in the Sapo National Park. The main reason behind this threat is the constantly growing deforestation, poaching and negligence towards animals and nature. Our endangered hippos, though have legal protection in Liberia, are losing their habitat, as the park is logged, farmed, hunted, and poached. CESI is launching "Project Hippo" to help protect the hippos and their habitat as well as to promote eco-tourism. See photo of these rare nocturnal forest creatures below:

Pygmy hippopotamus or hippo

Hippo is herbivorous, feeding on ferns, broad-leaved plants, grasses and fruits of the forests. It is a forest cousin of whale. Hippo is semi-aquatic and relies on proximity to water to keep its skin moisturized and its body temperature cool.

Hippos mate and give birth in water or on land.

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